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  • 联 系 人:陈文锦
  • 联系电话:076****899199;132****9285;
  • 联系地址:东莞市中堂镇潢涌第三工业区 [查看地图]
当前位置: 东莞松钜电子有限公司 > 机构简介
1984年10 月,公司成立. 1987年9月,公司現金增資後,股本新台幣伍佰萬元.1996年7月,投資海外公司鉅泰電子廠,設立於廣東省東莞市石碣鎮.1998年5月,於BVI成立Byte-Brother Co.,Ltd.和Cambridge Electronics Ltd.,作為大陸投資之控股公司.1999年3月,鉅泰電子廠遷廠至廣東省東莞市中堂鎮.投資海外華衛電子廠和東莞丽元贸易有限公司. 2000年8月成立東莞松鉅電子有限公司, 2003年7月投資海外山东金鑫電子有限公司.的1999年11月公司改制為松浩電子股份有限公司.同年公司現金增資後,股本新臺幣貳仟柒佰萬元.2000年7月,公司再次現金增資後,股本為新臺幣柒仟貳佰萬元.2001年4月,公司再次現金增資後股本為新臺幣肆億陸佰參拾捌萬元.1999年11月通過ISO 9002品質體系認証,提高了品質管理水平;2000年7月啟用天心資訊系統,實行電腦化管理;2002年01月通過ISO 9001:2000品質體系認証; 2006年6月通過ISO14001:2004環境管理體系認證。公司董事長葉宏明,總經理陳文錦先生攜全體員工熱忱歡迎您蒞臨指導!        In Oct., 1984, the company was established in Taipei, Taiwan . In Sept., 1987, the company capital was increased to 5,000,000NTD. In Jul., 1996, the first oversea company—Bytesonic corporation was established in Shijie town, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China. In May, 1998, The holding company for China investment Byte-Brother Co., Ltd. and Cambridge Electronics Lte. , was established in BVI.         In Mar., 1999, Bytesonic Corporation moved to Zhongtang town, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China. In Nov., 1999, The company capital was increased to 27,000,000NTD and some capital was invested in Fairway Electronics Co., Ltd.,and Dongguang Liyan commerce Co.,Ltd.furthermore, the company was certified by ISO9001. In Aug., 2000, ISO14001.In JUN 2004, Cambridge Electronics Ltd. was established in Zhongtong town, Dongguan City,Guangdong.        In Jul., 2000, the company capital was increased to 72,000,000NTD and set up two joint-venture companies in China Bingzhuo Jingxing Electronics Co.,Ltd..In the meantime, the company implemented the total computerized management by using FAS2000 System. In Apr., 2001, the company capital was increased to 406,380,000NTD.The President Mr Hongming Yeh and General Manager Mr Wenjin Chen with
